CAS761 material for electronic board production industry
High performance material
Durostone CAS761 material is a mat glass fiber epoxy resin laminate. CAS761 has good bending strength and good thermal, chemical and electrical properties. It is indicated to electronic printed board assembly industry.
CAS761 typical applications:
- Wave soldering pallets
- SMT printing and reflow carriers
- Conformal coating supports
- Tools for manual soldering and assembly
- Packaging trays as JEDEC
- Racks storages
- ...
CAS761 CI Electronics Datasheet_0
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Texte sur fond gris
CAS761 main properties test
- Antistatic
- Excellent mechanical properties at elevated temperature including lead free process
- Low thermal conductivity
- Good machining properties enabling complex design palets
- Resistance to chemical used in modern soldering flux and conformal coating solvant
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