
CAG762 composite material for electronic assembly industry

High performance composite material

Durostone CAG762 material is a mat glass epoxy resin laminate. CAG762 has a good bending strength properties and good thermal and chemical resistance. CAG762 is really indicated for electronic industry applications.

CAG762 has similar properties to Durostone CAS761. Its grey color allow a better detection with infrared captor on automatic production lines.

CAG762 typical applications:

  • Wave soldering pallets
  • SMT reflow carriers
  • Conformal coating supports

CAG762 CI Electronics Datasheet_1

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CAG762 main technical properties:

  • Good optical detection
  • Excellent properties at high temperatures
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Resistance to chemical used in soldering flux or conformal coating solvantsou solvants de vernissage
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